Blog Overtracking


#10. This is how Overtracking’s first 6 months have gone

In 5 days, we will be 6 months since I set up and launched Overtracking, and I’m taking this opportunity to give you a summary of EVERYTHING transparently.

👉 The money that has come in: month by month.

👉 The money that has gone out: marketing, development, experiments…

👉 Marketing actions and results: campaigns carried out to date.

🔜 Where we are going: next 6 months.

To summarize, this is how we go:

✅ 1313 users.
✅ 1374 websites added.
✅ 19.000.000 pageviews tracked
✅ 593 heatmaps
✅ 66 teams created

💰 9666.78 € billed (0.0097 % of the 1M goal reached 😜)
💶 15730.73 € invested in total since inception.

👉 YTD result: -6063.95€.


Web traffic 💙



👉 In total, from June to November 28, we had 18K unique visits and 164K page views.

👉A visit-to-registration conversion rate of 7%.

👉A registration-to-customer conversion rate of 9%.

And in terms of traffic sources…. 👇👇👇

fuentes trafico overtracking


👉 Direct traffic and traffic from Google searching for us by brand is #1. In marketing, we are working hard on branding and making a lot of noise about it.

👉 X/Twitter is the top social network, followed by YouTube, TikTok, and LinkedIn.

👉 For referral traffic, having posted in IndieHackers is working, and getting some links in The Open Projects is also working.

The money that came in

ingresos chartmogul


June: 97.26€ (Launched and gave away 90-day free for most users)

July: 104.20€ (+7%) (We gave away many 90-day free codes)

August: 264.03€ (+153%) (We added improvements and changes to graphs and data, improved the system)

September: 69,42€ (-73%) (We did not do any marketing)

October: 1005,08€ (+1347%) (We launched an offer to get the trial to start paying. You can see it here)

November: 8126,79€ (+733%) (We launched a lifetime promotion for Black Friday and Cyber Monday).

campaña black friday overtracking

December: I don’t know what the results will be, but the idea is that the free users will use a trial, and the trial users will switch to paying, repeating the action of October.

The money that came out

I will simplify it by dividing it into 2 parts. Of the 15730.73 € invested so far, this is what has gone in:

Development: 42%

Marketing: 50%.

Hosting and tools: 8%.

The good thing about all this is that as the tool grows, the costs won’t do it. Hence the importance of investing in making something scalable.

The “bad” thing is that I made this investment blindly, not knowing if this could work as a business or not. Although I won’t lie to you, I always believed it would work and I still do. We are going to do something big with Overtracking and the thinking with this tool is long term.

If the future is cookie-less, we will be there to provide solutions for everyone who needs them. 🙌

Marketing actions:

In order not to leave this post with only numbers, I will tell you the key points of the development until today:

Pre-launch: I didn’t launch for the sake of launching, I looked for 50 people to try the tool and gave them 90 days for free. That’s how I got the first 50 users through X/Twitter.

Launch: At the launch and in the following weeks, I ran several lifetime license sweepstakes, which got people to try and share, and more than 500 users participated.

Massive DM sending: in X, we contacted 900 people and 54 of them signed up (they are still entering from those 900, so the number will be higher now).

Campaigns with TikTokers: I tried to hire 5 TikTokers to make videos about the tool, but it was a failure.

Campaign with Lord Draugr: We sponsored the YouTuber Lord Draugr and from this video, we got 400 registered users. This sponsorship cost us 2000€ and we did it in October. The user cost us 5€. It may seem expensive, but thanks to this we have increased recurring revenue, which is what makes the tool valuable in the long run. This is where the users keep coming from.

video lord draugr


And the rest? The rest keeps coming in because the users themselves share Overtracking screenshots. An example is the case of Wevendy (the best website to buy and sell websites in Spanish) where they publish their metrics. You can see an example of their newsletter here.

We’ll be back on January 15th 🙌

With this post, we close Season #1, but many things are coming for Season #2.

We are going to launch a completely new and muuuuch faster Overtracking, with more metrics in its zero cookie mode and more things you will see.

When we have this ready, we will be able to further increase the marketing to attract sites with millions of visits.

We will be doing many promotions and marketing campaigns that we will tell you about here on Overtracking’s Road to One Million.

See you on January 15th!


Mario, Elsa, and Julio, the Overtracking team.

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